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Fun Things to do in London - Fairgame

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Canary Wharf wouldn't be the first place you'd think of to find a bar of Fairground games.

Yet, that's where you'll find Fair Game. A very fun activity to do in London.

Fairgame is your unique, one stop destination for street food, drink and fun.

They encourage you to behave like a kid again and find your playful side. So much so they even have a Zoltar machine, as seen in the Tom Hanks film 'Big'.

Fairgame have combined traditional fairground games with sleek technology.

You can book online, or take a chance and book a session when you arrive. If you do this you must be willing to wait for an available slot. It's £15 each to play a round of games, you play 2 rounds of each game back to back.

When you arrive at Fairgame, you need to sign in via an ipad to get your game play card.

You scan this card to play the games, it will also store your score.

Your booking time is your arrival time and you can start playing the games 30 minutes later. In the 30 minutes prior to playing you can grab some food and drinks.

There's a bar, and 3 street food traders to chose from.

The current vendors are Dos Mos, Burger and Beyond and Rudys Pizza.

If you just fancy some snacks you'll find The Candy Stand. They serve Hackney Gelato, popcorn, boozy sweets and prossecco candy floss.

When it's your time to play, head to the stand with all the pink teddy bears. You could even win one in the chosen game of the month.

You have 75 minutes to play all the games.

Different skills are needed for the different games. There's shooting, throwing and even hitting games to play.


We visited Fairgame on a Tuesday aftenoon in January. We assumed it would be quiet, we were wrong. The place was busy and buzzing with big groups of people.

They managed to book us in to play within the hour. I would recommend booking in advance as this place is bound to get busier, and so you can plan the rest of your day.

We got some wine from the bar and ordered some tacos.

You order food from each vendor and they give you a buzzer that goes off when the foods ready.

The Dos Mos tacos were delicious, I had the vegan ones and loved them.

After we had food, a chat and some wine, we headed in to play the games. I find I am better at sport after a drink.

You do have to be assertive and grab your place at each game. Especially when it's busy and you want to play the game with your mates. We had to queue for a couple but there's no order so you can head to a quieter game.

We had a whale of a time and laughed all the way through. Fairgame does make you playful and the hitting games are especially good for stress! We felt we had a workout after we finished playing.

To be honest, anywhere that has a quote from 'Grease' in neon in the toilet, is a place I'm going to like.

We loved Fairgame and would definitely return, a very fun thing to do in London.

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